Gunnamatta Nippers - general information

Gunnamatta Nippers is a fun based junior activites program that takes children from U7 throught to U14.

We emphasise the fun and related side of things as all Nippers programs are designed to provide a safe and social environment.  

It is a great way to make new friends while learning valuable water based skills.

In the latter stages of the program participants will have more exposure to being a Junior Lifesaver. 

Children may join at U7 and will learn aquatic play skills and these will develop each year to more advanced stages over time. 

The final year of our program is called "Bue Caps" and is a precursor to training for a Surf Rescue Certificate and then on to a Bronze Medallion. 

Our program commences just after Christmas and ends by about the 9th or so of Jan.  It is thus a holiday program, not a long program.  

Parents are encouraged to particiapte in the program as there are many jobs to keep the program going.

.Our dates for Season 2022/23 are as per the table below:

.Fees for the program are:

Family Membership (a requirement for any Nipper to be enrolled) $242 incl GST. 

Program Fee $77.00 per Nipper incl GST.

If you would like more information about the Gunnamatta SLSC Nipper program, please send an email to:
